Saturday, June 2, 2012

Missing Pictures

I just realized that there are several important family happenings and a couple of outings that I never blogged about. I think it's because I write all the updates on weekends, but download pictures from the camera throughout the week. So if I don't file the photos properly, I forget about them. And I'm struggling to come up with an easy system for saving my digital photos. Hence, the mess.

So what did I miss? 

  • A field trip to a bakery with friends
  • A trip to the new museum in Downtown Raleigh
  • A visit by grandparents
  • A visit by Uncle Arkadiy
  • and maybe a few other things (gotta dig through all the different pictures to figure out)

Grrr... Ok, deep breath... Back to sorting and organizing now... Expect lots of old news in the next few posts. Oh, and the picture at the top? That's "garbage trucks having a meeting and a party" installation.

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