M loves telling stories, usually about robots, Star Wars, or space exploration (or all three blended together). He frequently gets carried away and does not use full sentences or gives any background information about the characters or the setting. So his stories tend to be rather difficult to understand. So we are trying to work on a more structured story-telling.
First, I told M a story about a rude little Dinosaur that teased his friends, the calf Andryusha and the pig Yulia and called them names. I also used his toys to role-play the story. I then gave M the same toys and asked him to either repeat the story back to me or to come up with his own:
Невежливый слон
Однажды Андрюша, Юля и динозавр пошли искать сокровища. И вдруг им повстречалось большое животное. Это был слон. Он всегда грубо обращался со всеми зверями. И он сказал: "Привет, Юля-грязнуля! Привет, Андрюша-длинные уши! Привет, Динозавр-пинозавр!" Динозавр ам, и укусил слона. И слон прыгнул, засвистел. Это был сигнал. Динозавр сказал: "Кто там?" А слон сказал: "Ктотам-потам!" А Динозавр устал от этих дурацких шуток и упал.
Rude elephant
Once Andryusha the calf, Yulia the pig and a Dinosaur went to search for treasure. And all of a sudden they met a large animal. It was an elephant. He was always rude to all animals. And he said: "Hello, Yulia-the slop head! Hello, Andryusha the long ears! Hello, Dinosaur-Pinosaur!" Dinosaur hum and bit the elephant. And the elephant jumped and started whistling. It was a signal. Dinosaur said: "Who's there?" and the elephant said: "Whosthere-poosthere!" And Dinosaur got tired of these silly jokes and fell down.
The second story was told in much the same way, only the characters were different - a cat and a dog and they were building a see-saw in M's story (in my original story they were just carrying a board for a new house).
Бессильная кошка и собака
Шли-шли кошка и собачка. И тут они захотели соорудить прыгательные качели. Они взяли доску и бревнышко. Они положили бревнышко на землю и поверх доску положили. Качели были готовы. Собачка мирно стояла на качелях и тут кошка прыгнула на другой конец и бабах, собачка взлетела в воздух. Собачка сказала: "Давай соорудим какой-то домик." Собака и кошка попробовали поднять доску, но не смогли. Собака сказала: "У меня лапы устали" и кошка мяукнула. И они позвали теленка, динозавра и свинью, чтобы помочь им. Они помогли. А кошка стояла и говорила, куда класть доску.
A strength-less cat and a dog
A cat and a dog were walking. And then they wanted to make a jumping swing (a see-saw). They got a board and a log. They put a log on the ground and put a board on top. The see-saw was ready.The dog stood on the see-saw peacefully and then the cat jumped on the other end and boom, the dog flew up in the air. The dog said "Let's construct a house of some sort". The dog and the cat tried to lift a board, but couldn't. The dog said "My paws are tired" and the cat meowed. And they called the calf, the pig and the Dinosaur to help them. They helped. And the cat stood there and told them where to put the board.
Great stories, and it was fun to read your translation into English. Anna rarely makes long stories of her own unless she is really engrossed in the game. She does make them, but in her mind and doesn't want to share them with me. I was the same way as a child :)